Tag Archives: purlsoho

first snow and new hat.

I accomplished two of my goals this weekend – our Saturday morning 5-mile run and casting off on the Purl Soho Simple Pleasures hat.

It also snowed this weekend, so it was the perfect time to model it. It’s actually for the kiddo, but I like it so much I might make one for myself too (although I may try to swap out stash yarn instead of the pricey Line Weight merino and silk mohair Tussock that I used for this version). I just bought the kit, in the RIver Rock and Grey Quartz colorways, from the website and it was a quick, satisfying, dreamy knit and as an extra benefit, my daughter seems to like it and I think she’ll actually wear it (it can be a bit touch and go with teenagers and hand-knits).

The week ahead includes a band concert and many home office hours, and planning for Thanksgiving (I bought the turkey on Saturday and it is safely chilling in the freezer waiting for its big day). I hope everyone had a cozy and relaxing weekend and is geared up for another week! xo